We are pleased to announce the purchase and arrival at our premises of a new batch of 3 off RUSTON / MAN 16RK270 MK2 engines.
The engines were originally rated at 1000 RPM, 4800 KWe.
One of the engines has already been stripped as the Crankshaft has already been sold to another Ruston 16RK270 operator to replace their damaged Crankshaft.
The engines came with a quantity of surplus spare parts including Cylinder Liners, Pistons, Cylinder Heads and Fuel Injection Equipment.
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Fast Ferry / HSC
We are able to offer an extremely competitive Spare Parts and Service Team package to operators of RUSTON RK270 powered FAST FERRIES / HSC’s around the world
Engines and Generators for sale
We offer a large range of engines and generators for sale, click below to see our full list.