They may be almost fifty years old, but the old girls were designed and produced in an era when the sole focus was on quality rather than cost and as a result these remarkable old engines will just run and run, as long as you give them the care and attention they require every now and again
Such is their on-going popularity we regularly supply reconditioned engines, short engines or engine sets of major components for ENGLISH ELECTRIC CSVT engines. One recent contract was to supply 6 x fully reconditioned 12VSCT engines to an overseas rail operator who had the engines in locos that had done over two million miles. Such was their reliability over that period they preferred fully reconditioned 12CSVT engines to the other options available to them and EDS supplied them with six fully rebuilt units, all of which were striped, overhauled and rebuilt in our workshops in Wigan.
We have continued to supply these units regularly over the last decade or so and expect to supply more in the coming years. The advantage of having so many previously owned RUSTON and ENGLISH ELECTRIC engines in stock enables us to offer this service to customers around the world.
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